During these two days you will be slowly introduced to pleasurable massage work. Together we will set a safe framework to learn and enjoy touch and massage together in a supportive group of men. You will learn step by step important basics that are so important for giving massage.
The result is more energy, more aliveness and a better connection with your body. We learn from each other and experiment with each other. We explore how to develop a deeper sense of self-acceptance, affection and depth. Devotion and spirituality combine through the combination of touch with liberated breathing.
You will enjoy experiencing the camaraderie and connection of a truly 'good' group of men from different countries and places. This group is particularly characterised by warmth, respect, friendliness, attractiveness and loving togetherness.
This course is the entry point for more intensive massage courses with us and the Massage Practitioner Training.
Próximos eventos
- Las personas con bajos ingresos (ingresos mensuales disponibles < 1000 euros) pueden reservar a un precio reducido.
- Las personas con bajos ingresos (ingresos mensuales disponibles < 1000 euros) pueden reservar a un precio reducido.
- Las personas con bajos ingresos (ingresos mensuales disponibles < 1000 euros) pueden reservar a un precio reducido.