Summer Evolution is a Gay Love Spirit summer festival that has been taking place about 30 kilometres east of Berlin since 2016. Since 2022, it has also expanded to a remote location near the Swabian Alb, creating a paradise for people who are passionate about personal growth and exploration in areas such as spirituality, self-growth, bodywork, shamanism, performance, ritual, sound healing and sexological bodywork.

We offer many parallel workshops, performances, demonstrations, exchanges and many inspiring encounters in an extraordinary place.

We present extraordinary personalities with whom you can play and explore the points of contact between spirituality, bodywork, shamanism, mindfulness, movement, ritual and performance. You can broaden your horizons, discover and enjoy yourself in the workshops and encounters with the other men.

Summer Evolution offers food for thought, ideas and new images. We promote a wise, tolerant and playful approach to all energies that develop between men.

Prossimi eventi

AUG 15 / AUG 18 2025
Neue Spitzmühle
Near Berlin - Germania
Inizio: Fri, Aug 15, 2025 10:00 AM, Fine: Mon, Aug 18, 2025 6:00 PM
posti disponibili
Premio sociale:
295 €
Prezzo normale:
395 €
495 €
  • Le persone con un reddito basso (reddito mensile disponibile < 1.000 euro) possono prenotare a un prezzo ridotto.
AUG 7 / AUG 10 2026
Neue Spitzmühle
Near Berlin - Germania
Inizio: Fri, Aug 7, 2026 10:00 AM, Fine: Mon, Aug 10, 2026 8:00 PM
posti disponibili
Premio sociale:
295 €
Prezzo normale:
395 €
495 €
Early bird
dic 31
  • Le persone con un reddito basso (reddito mensile disponibile < 1.000 euro) possono prenotare a un prezzo ridotto.